Friday, April 6, 2012 0 comments

Writing Is a Beautiful Thing

I am grateful, for I've been capable of writing and reading.

There are some in this world who never learn how to do so.

For me, writing is a beautiful thing. It is my way of telling stories, my way of showering my readers with my deep inner feelings and emotions, my way of showing who I truly am in the inside, my way of sharing my secrets, my way of conveying my personal thoughts, my way of showing what's going on in my secretive mind, and my way of weeping in silence.

Everything I wrote, really comes from my heart and I usually write when there's something altering my emotions. Wow, sounded really dramatic right? But to be quite frank, I'm a pretty dramatic person when it comes to writing. But what's funny is that I can never speak the way I write. In person, I think I'm a rather stoned-face person, and it's a really hard thing for me to share my true feelings when it comes to things that only matter to me, and not really important to someone else. I always blurted funny jokes and normal speeches when talking, not really sharing any emotion-talking. I would if I was forced though. I would if it brings good in something.

So, whenever I can't handle any emotional breakdown or any unimaginable happiness, I write. It's like, coverting all of what's in my mind into something that's readable. Countless times I've pointed out my entry to a specific person. Who that is, only me and Allah knows. Whether that person knows or not, it doesn't matter. What matters to me, probably doesn't really matter to everyone. I'm like a small fish in a very very big pond, the sea. In which, the sea is the world.

And I wanna tell you guys another secret right now. I'm actually writing this out of depression. Predictable ain't it?

Depressed of not knowing. Not knowing of why some people are making drastic judgements when they are hurt or angry. Thus, making decisions before they can think deeply. I always wanted to say to these people, who do you think you are? But I do not hate them. I think it's wrong to hate people blindly without thinking about the good things they did in their life. My problem is that I can't stay mad. I always end up forgiving people even if they don't deserve it. 

So that's that. I've spilled it.

Glad I could write it. Writing is pretty much magical. It makes you feel good in way that you get to release all your frustrations. Through writing, you could tell your life stories. You could touch people's heart. You could do magic. You could go beyond the norm.

Writing. Doesn't need lots of thinking. Doesn't need a lot of brainpower.
You just write what your heart says.

Writing, is a beautiful thing..
